Today was our 2ND rounding around the school to find Aedes mosquitoes. We started at the Form 3 block and IT WAS THE HOT SPOT for the mosquitoes to breed. We went to the back of the form 3 block and found many adult mosquitoes. As the result, we were bitten on our legs, my ear and felt itchy throughout the check. Then, we went to the water tank at the end of the college field to search for more. When we opened the cover, GUESS WHAT I SAW : Something gross that looks like a spider's I almost freaked out! Even though I touched the monkey poop but I wasn't that shocked compared to the nest I saw.
In the end, Harshiah and Syaminee found a half plastic bottle with five larvas and a pupa in that bottle so we were amazed when we saw those because ff the Jabatan people come and do their rounding in CBN, they can fine our school as much as RM500. We are so proud saving our school from paying such a large amount of money (for us lah) We also got the CATCHING MOSQUITOES RITUAL where we beat and caught them to show teacher as our evidence LOL
The next time we carry out our rounding again, we are going to prepare mosquito repellent, gloves, plastic bags and rags for our safety. I got interested today so I want to discover more about Aedes especially the mosquitoes.This is the life cycle of the Aedes mosquito, we found the larva, pupa and many adult mosquitoes which we are not sure they were Aedes or normal ones.
We found the mosquitoes which look something like these ones so it was really scary hehe
I will write more about mosquitoes next time. If not you will surely think I'm obsess about this creatures. Not?! I found a few articles too but too lazy to copy and paste it here. hehe Nevermind, just go read it at google or something.
What a 'wonderful' day I had today?! After the rounding, I went and check whether my friend brought back my bottle and food back to the class. When I checked the canteen table, I saw my bottle lying on the table without my food so the people around there said it was stolen by the MONKEYS?! NOT AGAIN?!?!?! Worst thing was I had not taken my breakfast. I was thinking its ok if the monkey just took the food but with the tupperware along TT Got lectured by my dad MALANG?!?!
Although I studied on the Pineapple Hill for almost eight long years with the monkeys but they are seriously getting on my nerves. STOP STEALING MY FOOD ALTHOUGH YOU LOOK CUTE BECAUSE I WILL NOT GIVE IN?! They looked so innocent but in the inside, SO WILD?!
Sports Day tomorrow..Yay, GO AIDAN?!?! (So random again)
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