Singaporean Girl Guides Gathering

16th December 2009

I didn't go for the conference today because I had to attend the Singaporean Girl Guides gathering in the National hq so I missed the Voters Registration in Subang Jaya Parade and ditched Kaylee with Edwin. hehe

The arrival of the Singaporean Girl Guides
Mei Hua, Hanani, Alini, Shereen, Alyea and me
Datin Zalila, the Chief Commisioner of Girl Guides Association of Malaysia, was giving a speech
KL Guides with Singaporean Guides
Camera girls on duty
Emcees of the day, Shereen Choong and Alyea Abdul Aziz

The ice breaking session where by each of the Singaporean Guides had to put down their signatures on the given paper

Singaporeans vs. Malaysians LOL Just joking..
(Chicken dance session) Shereen, you really looked like a chicken!!! haha MAXINE TOO!!!! Pay back time... hehe
Everyone during chicken dance session
Happy Family game.... father carrying grandmother.
Family members sitting on each other... haha
Maxine and Shereen led the Macarena dance... camera girls took chairs while running at each angle to take pictures. LOL
A group picture... Whylah that little girl came running?! haha

The day ended with memories to cherish... and MORE REPORTS TO WRITE~ haha

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