Another busy day, I went to SPCA, Selangor Club and Kelas Dua Camp on the same day. LOL
Well, the day started of at 9am in the morning when Wen Qing, Claire, Yu Wein, Wenn Yue and I carried out our Moral project in SPCA, Ampang. haha It was real fun! The first thing that went across my mind was 'I'm praying that the dogs and cats there are clean!' However, everything was different when I stepped foot into that place. THEY WERE SO CUTE AND FRIENDLY! :D
Yu Wein, Wen Qing and Claire cleaning up the cat's cages.
Putting on some gloves..
O.O I love this shot... Taken by me! haha Claire, Wen Qing, Yu Wein and Wenn Yue
We finished our project at 11.00pm.. Leaving the place heavy-heartily TT. Next, headed to Harshiah's house since we finished early! We went ballistic until 12.30 pm when her dad came and fetched us to DBKL Library which was opposite of the Royal Selangor Club. 'Discussing about Career Folio', that was what we did! But I don't think so since we ENJOYED EATING MORE THAN DISCUSSING. haha
Harshiah (sorry for posting this up) and Syaminee
After Royal Selangor Club, rushed back home to pack my bags! I know it's kind of last minute.. LOL At 9.00 pm, my dad fetched me to Brickfields and excitedly, went to check out the campsite.
As soon as I reached there, I saw parents waiting outside of the hall and heard Cik Masturi's voice. I jumped into conclusion that they were being lectured and I WAS RIGHT! After settling myself, as usual... work comes in, had to boil water, eggs and clean up the place until 3.30 am. Gosh, the whole hq was crowded with AJK's so had no choice to sleep on the table.
Second day came, they went for a hike in the morning. Thinking that was 7 km, I got so excited to settle my Challenge Badge but too bad, it was only 1 km. So I made full use of it to do my Pencegah Kemalangan Badge!
All the campers hiking...
Then, night came... CAMPFIRE went on as usual. Couldn't remember anything special about it. But all I can recall was, EVERYTHING ENDS UP WITH A NEGATIVE FEEDBACK. Haiz.. regretted for wasting my time there.
The campers..
On the third day, the campers that didn't finish their fire building test on the second day carried out their test along the road. They really had funny ways in building them! HAHAHA Then, the closing ceremony where everyone got their Pra-Persetiaan settled in a LARGE GROUP!
This group used more newspapers than wood... (DIDN'T WORK)
Was helping Pn. Toh to give out the badges...
Our reward was a box of Ferraro Roche that costs RM42.90 and door gifts. Worth it actually but I hate to admit the fact that, the camp was A DISASTER!
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